设备树 文档下载
ePAPR 文档就是用来描述设备树语法的官方参考文档,下载地址:Power_ePAPR_APPROVED_v1.1.pdf
- node的定义和名称定义格式
- 属性的定义
一个设备树文件,经过设备树编译器(device tree compiler,简称DTC),编译成二进制设备树文件 xxx.dtb,然后和内核镜像一起加载到内存运行。
# sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
对于初学者来说,在学习设备树时,需要注意的一个地方是,Linux dtc编译器和 ePAPR 标准文档也是有一些差异的:
#address-cells and #size-cells
在 ePAPR 文档中,这两个属性需要明确定义,不能继承父节点的#address-cells的值,而在Linux dtc 编译器规则下,如果在一个node中,这两个属性没有定义,#address-cells默认是2,#size-cells defaults to 1,编译器会给你警告,使用这些默认值。
aliases node
--- ePAPR
3.3 aliases node
'A client program may use an alias property name to refer to
a full device path as all or part of its string value.'
'A client program, when considering a string as a device path,
shall detect and use the alias.'
--- Linux
of_find_node_by_path() and of_find_node_opts_by_path() check
whether the path begins with "/". If it does not, then the first
element must be a property in the aliases node. That first element
is replaced with the value of the property in the aliases node.
It is not known whether other code (such as drivers) is aware of
the requirement to be aware of aliases.
Linux also has a concept of numeric id derived from the property
names in the aliases node. All trailing digits in the property
name are used to create the "id". The "stem" is the property
name, with the trailing digits removed. For each property in
the aliases node, the tuple of stem, id, and the device tree
node pointer for the path in the property's value is added to
the aliases_lookup list. A driver can use of_alias_get_id()
to retrieve the id for a given stem and device tree node
This is commonly used to number devices, although the practice
is controversial.
chosen node
--- ePAPR
3.5 chosen node
The chosen node is not required. If it was required, sections 3.1 and 3.5
would explicitly state such (for example, section 3.6 CPUS Node Properties
states 'A cpus node is required for all device trees.').
The list of required nodes is listed in section 3.1:
3.1 Base Device Node Types
'The sections that follow specify the requirements for the base set of device nodes required in an
ePAPR-compliant device tree.
All device trees shall have a root node and the following nodes shall be present at the root of all
device trees:
• One cpus node
• At least one memory node'
--- Linux
The chosen node is required.